Project 1: Playback Machine

“You have been hired by a client to build a show controller for an upcoming presentation to be given in the world famous PLAI lab later in the month.

Their show is going to involve showcasing a number of images, a video, and a final closing screen.

During the presentation you must be able to trigger transitions between images and videos as required by the presenter.

A PowerPoint version of the presentation has been provided. This showcases the overall running order. It should also be used to gather the required references for each image & slide you will container inside of your show controller (the video is provided separately).

The presenter is notorious for going of script during presentations. You must build functionality inside your show controller to allow for this. Such as the ability to ‘dip-to-black’ to make sure incorrect content is not shown, or to skip back or reshow images or the video if required – at any time.”


A run through of the Touch Designer file.
Using the UI in a “real world” fake presentation.