Content Update 3
May 9
This will be the last content update before the final product! I am satisfied with the way the content looks like it is just now a matter of fixing some technical aspects to make it an actual show file I could use for a live event as opposed to how it is now where it just makes a cool visual!
In my previous version, I had a circle that was just stationary. In this version, I added a Circle SOP whose edges are being manipulated to create other shapes, as well as a Rectangle SOP. They switch back and forth depending on a Switch TOP. They are then bein instanced by the music to become audio-reactive.
After this, I put in some TOPS to make the shapes more visibly appealing including mirroring the shapes and making them spin.
This was my ending visual:
In my next blog post, I will be going in-depth about my TouchDesigner File, how it works, and what exactly my live event is supposed to achieve!